Who Killed Kait Arquette?
Who Killed Kait Arquette?
Albuquerque teen's 1989 slaying remains unsolved due to police coverup?


the first person at the scene

Kait’s next door neighbor told the APD case investigator that he saw Kait followed from her apartment by a VW bug.

The first person on record as having been at the crime scene was a man named Paul Apodaca.  Apodaca was driving a VW bug.

When Violent Crimes Detective Ronald Merriman and Officer Mary Ann Wallace arrived at the scene, Apodaca was already there, standing next to Kait’s car.  His VW Bug was not in evidence.  Apparently someone had taken off in the VW and left him there when they realized police were arriving.


 Crime Scene Photo Of Kait's Car

Police did not take a statement from Apodaca and allowed him to leave the scene without even getting his address, despite the fact that Apodaca had a long record of violent crime, including several vicious attacks upon women.

In 1995, the Arquettes’ private investigator was able to locate Apodaca and interviewed him in jail where he was awaiting sentencing for kidnapping and raping his 14-year-old stepsister.  His stated reason for doing that was to get sent to prison so he could protect a younger brother who was serving 45 years for murder. 

Apodaca admitted to being at Kait’s scene that night, and told the P.I. that he was driving a VW bug, the same make car that witnesses saw fleeing the crime scene.  When the P.I. asked him who drove the VW away, he became very nervous and insisted that nobody was with him.

Apodaca stated his reason for being in the neighborhood that night was to buy drugs from his dealer, Lee Padilla.  Lee Padilla is the brother of an APD undercover narcotics officer, who was a friend of Mary Ann Wallace, the first officer dispatched to the scene.  The following year, when Apodaca was arrested for shooting a victim from his VW Bug, he tried to get off by presenting ID that showed him to be Lee Padilla.

Apodaca lived next door to – and hung out at -- a Mom and Pop convenience store and launderette that was frequented by An Quoc Le, (the Albuquerque control man for the Vietnamese car wreck scam and Dung Nguyen’s alibi for the night of Kait’s shooting.)

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